廣東空軍寇蒂斯霍克(1933) | 雜寫杜立德、陳濟棠、香港側影

Jimmy Doolittle (centre) with American instructor Lt. Baird, Lt. Clarence Terrill and an unidentified Cantonese aviator in front of a two-seater Douglas O-2MC, Canton 1933 | "Lieutenant Stuart D. Baird, an Army trained pilot, along with two other Americans Captain Edward Deeds and Lieutenant Clarence Terrill were part of a mission arranged by the Chinese Nationalist Party and the U.S. Department of Commerce. The purpose of this mission was to reform and bolster the current Air Force in Canton while creating a much needed market for American aircraft manufacturers who were suffering from the Great Depression. This mission was a duplicate of the Jouett Mission, which took place in Shanghai." (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)



 杜立德 (James Harold "Jimmy" Doolittle, 1896 – 1993)
 寇蒂斯霍克II型雙翼戰鬥機 (Curtiss Hawk II)

4月18日,是 Doolittle Raid (空襲東京) 75周年。今日西方不少左翼輿論,認為行動無謂,只帶來高昂代價 collateral damages。評論往往忽略這行動本質,是 special operation。如果日日做,當然完全非理性,但一次突襲行動,有本身的意義價值。二戰初英美處惡劣艱難時期,有不少相類似 Spec Op,當中一定要有個靈魂人物 。空襲東京整個行動的靈魂人物,是杜立德將軍 (James Harold "Jimmy" Doolittle, 1896 – 1993)。整個行動,建基於他對相關航空技術了解發揮,大膽的想像構思,細密的準備,以至有前無後的勇氣,與及他卓越的領導能力 。

作為一個獨特人物,這往往跟他和平時代,作為特技飛行員的背景有關。自從一次大戰之後,各國裁軍,軍事開支大幅萎縮,相關技術由軍事轉為民用,航空業突飛猛進出,造就一眾世界飛行巨星 (aviator),例如 Charles Lindbergh、Amelia Earhart、Ernst Udet,當然亦有 Doolittle 杜立德。他們之間比併,引發大眾對未來瞳景,在1920、30年代,出色飛行員,集合先進科技、地理歷險、個人勇氣毅力、騎士精神等象徵符號於一身。

1933年,美國商務部與軍工企業(以William D. Pawley為代表),與國民政府洽談軍工業務,當中包括推銷最新戰機 F11C Goshawk 出口型,就是寇蒂斯霍克II型雙翼戰鬥機 (Curtiss Hawk II)。當時派出上海廣州巡迴表演飛行員,就是杜立德。要巡迴上海、廣州,皆因對象分別為南京蔣介石政府,與及廣東陳濟棠政府。其實廣東政府,早在1920年代,已經引進外國軍事技術發展,隨着共黨在南方節節敗退,廣東省重奪礦產地區,穩著政府經濟收入,於是可以發展武裝,當中除購買軍備,更加建立軍校訓練本土子弟,並興建廠房,引入生產、安裝或維修工序。值得一提,德國跟陳濟棠軍事貿易,比南京政府更早。

與此同時,美商務部亦與廣東政府合作,1933年初,美方派出三位飛行教官,來到香港,再由商務部駐港代表安排行程,到廣東航校,教授學員 。最後,三至九月之間,寇蒂斯霍克出口中國的一共有50架,當中好大部份,其實是廣東政府購入。這些戰機,後來到37年中日戰爭,成為中國空軍骨幹之一。

中國照片集中,主要來自 Lt. Stuart Baird,亦有自 John Gong 私人藏品。Baird是其中一位飛行教官。廣州照片內,見杜立德訪航校。順帶一提,中國南方對外軍事經濟貿易聯繫,往往先經過香港。外國人進入中國有文化差異 cultural shock,香港就是一個緩衝。即使1930年代,中國對外經貿以至尋求支持,仍有賴包括香港的外國華人社群聯系,以及香港本身獨特地緣政治。讀Baird 家書,不少有趣地方。

"This is the first opportunity I have had to write since arriving in Canton. We arrived in Hong Kong March 5th and were met by Mr. Barringer, U.S Trade commissioner. We docked about 8 A.M. and spent the day seeing Hong Kong. It is a lovely place and quite European. As you know it is governed by the British. The European touch predominates to a surprising extent in the buildings. The European style hotels have every convenience. Of course, China puts it's stamp on everything but things are pleasingly familiar. We met Mr. Barringer who is a peach, and had a fine time. We left for Canton on the river boat at 10 P.M.
Next morning at 7 A.M. we awoke at the dock of Canton. Believe me, Canton is a far cry from Hong Kong. Canton is China. There are forty Americans here. We were met by General Lym, the Chief of Staff, the man instrumental in our being here, and Captain Malley, the Australian advisor. There are no other Europeans connected with the Air Force..." (Canton, March 12 1933)

註:1933 廣東空軍人物小記
1. General Huang Kuang-jui  (黃光銳 Freddy Wong /Wong Kwang-yui, 1898 Sunning  - 1985 Los Angeles) 
2. General Lym, the Chief of Staff  (林福元 Arthur 'Art' Fu-yuan Lym, 1890 San Francisco - 1962 Hong Kong)
3. General Wu, Commandant of the Canton Air Cadet School  (胡漢賢 1884 Canada - 1968 Guangzhou)
4. Col. Mui, charge of the Tungshan Factory  (梅龍安 1902 USA - 1970 Hong Kong)



Curtiss Hawk II, 1936 Berlin Olympics
T-Amt (the development wing of the Reichsluftfahrtministerium)
Generalluftzeugmeister (Luftwaffe Director-General of Equipment)

提到寇蒂斯霍克,今日讀者會覺得雙翼機落後,37年中國空軍不像樣。這是大眾對二戰印象,往往只有44、45年戰役影像有關。事實是,在1933年,寇蒂斯霍克是先進艦載戰機,兼具備俯衝轟炸性能。要說明這點,不妨帶出一戰德國空軍王牌 Udet 與 霍克經典故事。

一戰之後,由於凡爾賽條約,Udet 於是轉行做特技飛行員。Udet 是一戰空軍皇牌,排名第二,是戰後歐美名星。他跟另一王牌戈林非常熟絡,其實兩人都是是大細努 big boy。後來戈林從政成為普魯士州長,更進入國會成為議長。1933年,國家社會主義黨組成聯合政府,戈林要為重建空軍籌組班底,他利誘 Udet 落疊,其實是買兩架寇蒂斯霍克民用版做禮 。Udet 在之後表演中,一部墜毁,另一部在1936年柏林奧會中大出風頭。Udet 因霍克入局,主管空軍購置以至硏發,主導空軍裝備方向。令Udet 着迷,是霍克新引擎,以及及俯衝性能。Udet的背景,令生產偏向研發生產俯衝轟炸、中型戰鬥機、轟炸機,著重空戰戰術,而忽略戰略運用,追不上 paradigm shift。回望過來,德國空軍優勢滑落,非因工業設計技術,而是戰略資源投放、以及生產力管理失誤。自英倫之戰失敗,Udet 備受壓力,到蘇聯東線戰事連續失利,Udet 最後承受不到政軍內部人事角力,最後自殺身亡。

Text: Crumbtracker posted 19/4/2017
Photo: ©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird /John Gong /Getty /assorted

The Family of S.D. Baird
廣東空軍航校簡史 (中國飛虎研究學會)
關國煊 (KWAN, Kwok-huen 1937-2009)

大三元酒家 | 429 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai 1933-1953

Maj. James (Jimmy) Doolittle smiles from the cockpit after landing in St. Louis, M0., on Oct. 26, 1931 after a record breaking flight of 6 hours 33 minutes. Doolittle averaged about 230 miles per hour for the 1,500-mile trip.  James (Jimmy) Doolittle American aviator and army general who led an air raid on Tokyo and other Japanese cities four months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.(Associated Press)

Jimmy Doolittle with Curtiss Hawk II at Shein Chiao (筧橋) near Hangchow, 1933

1.  Lt. S.D. Baird's Canton Mission en route Hongkong

Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong 1933 (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

瘦狗嶺第一集團軍空軍司令部 "The field is located near a mountain and is called Sao Ko Ling. Sao= skinny; Ko= dog; Ling= mountain. Therefore Skinny or Lean Dog Mountain."  | 1931年年初,南京政府反對蔣介石軟禁立法院長胡漢民於湯山,兩廣宣佈反蔣,於5月另立國民政府,原第8路軍所屬部隊擴編為第1集團軍,陳濟棠任總司令,同時將海空兩軍劃出,自成獨立軍種體系1932年4月底陳濟棠撤銷海空兩個軍的總司令部,各編為司令部,隸屬於第一集團軍。命黃光銳 (General Huang Kuang Jui /Freddy Wong)為空軍司令,胡漢賢(General Wu)為參謀長。7月,胡漢賢改任航空學校校長,由林福元接任參謀長。 (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)
Ships on the air field with Mountain Sao Ko Ling in the background 天河瘦狗嶺機場 (opened 1931) | Three English AS16's- Jupiter engines on the left; and Five Douglas 0-2MC's- Hornet engines (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

Jimmy Doolittle's Tour at Canton, 1933. from left to right:
1. Col. Mui, charge of factory (梅龍安 1902 USA - 1970 HK。1932年7月廣東東山飛機修配廠廠長); 
2. General Wu, Commandant of the School (胡漢賢 1884 Canada - 1968 Guangzhou1932年7月任廣東航空學校校長33年兼籌辦民用航空主任); 
3. Joe Lym (sells Hawks?); 
4. Chaw?; 
5. Mr Bayliss, the American expert from the Curtiss Wright factory superintending the assembling of the planes; 
6. General Lym, the Chief of Staff to whom Stuart's weekly reports submitted (林福元 1890 San Francisco - 1962 Hong Kong1932年7月接任空軍司令部參謀長); 
7. Jimmy Doolittle (1896-1993), the pilot
(©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

Doolittle, Mr. Bayliss & Captain Edward Deed |  "Mr Bayliss, an[d] American expert from the Curtiss Wright factory, is superintending the assembling of the planes and is good." (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

「南天王」陳濟棠 Marshal CHAN, Chi-tong (Ch'en Chi-t'ang), the governor of Canton  (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

Cadet Graduation | 民國二十二年(1933) 四月一日,瘦狗嶺天河機場第六期(甲班)畢業學生六十二人:  鄧政熙, 李雲龍, 區瑞章, 黃成章, 劉保生, 潘作霖, 廖穆科, 郭外峰, 葉炳其, 楊 敬, 余平想, 梁子裘, 杜慶綱, 麥煥球, 鄭中興, 馮紹清, 馬維棟, 岑澤鎏, 何蔚文, 黃公略, 謝超群, 唐傑君, 潘澤光, 陳 珊, 周昌森, 陳崇文, 嚴鎮川, 蕭棣信, 陳萬榮, 林擎岱, 黃居穀, 黃 特, 鍾錦棠, 丘戈, 何傳熙, 戴乃洪, 譚卓勵, 方惠之, 胡經武, 簡氏興, 明善端, 黃廣勳, 羅英哲, 封任強, 朱均球, 蔡志昌, 黎廷宣, 張 維, 黃志剛, 黃炳朗, 黃錫豪, 葉子雲, 劉志英, 聶盛友, 梁特旺, 黎文海, 明忠義, 黃厥昌, 蕭翔, 陳振典, 孔昭麟, 李德標 (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

Cadet Graduation  | 民國二十二年(1933) 四月一日第六期(甲班)畢業學生六十二人。為應廣西建設空軍的需要,第六期乙班學生特提前同時畢業。 (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

Airfield Sentry guarding Hawk (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

Hawk in the box (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

Hawk in the box  (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

3 Hawks that acquired under the 1st fundraising campaign | 1933年春,廣東空軍司令黃光銳 (General Huang Kuang-jui, or Freddy Wong /Wong Kwang-yui) 等一行赴美國考察航空,發動華僑捐助飛機。兩年間計輸入“霍克Ⅱ”20架,“波音”9架,“斯汀遜”6架,“DC 2”1架,“福克沃爾夫”3架。還有供訓練用“柏力根”、“斯蒂曼”、“郎寧”、“弗力提”等飛機20多架。(©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

「廣州市校號」Canton Curtiss Hawk II 1933  (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

「廣州市校號」Canton Curtiss Hawk II 1933 (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

The crash that killed American Captain Edward Deeds, Canton July 9th, 1933 | "Ed had never flown a Hawk, in fact I am sure that he had not flown a Pursuit job since the war. He was anxious to fly the Hawk and asked permission of the Chinese to do so. They granted his request and her started off Saturday.  He asked me to come along and fly another of the Hawks. I looked at the sky which was covered with low flying clouds and refused because the ceiling was was only about 2000 ft. I couldn't see myself stunting a new ship at such a low altitude. Jimmy Doolittle did it, but I am not Doolittle. Ed took of and flew around for for about fifteen minutes down over Tungshan and his home, in which was his wife who had arrived three days before. Then he came back over the field at a low altitude. I was on my way down to the hangars in a car and had just reached the apron in front of the first hangar when I heard a terrible crash to my right. There about twenty feet away was the Hawk, nose into the ground."  (©2004 The Family of S.D. Baird)

2. Hawk II under commands of the Naking Air Force

Assembling Curtiss Hawk II at Shien Chiao Factory (筧橋廠房), the Central Aircraft Manufacturing Company (CAMCO or CAMC 中央飛機製造廠) near Hangchow | In April 1933,  William D. Pawley (泡利 1896-1977) of Curtiss sent Financial Minister H.H. Kung a proposal for an aircraft factory, and was probably instrumental in the creation of the Central Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation to be owned by Curtiss-Wright (寇蒂斯-萊特飛機公司), Douglas(道格拉斯飛機公司), and Intercontinent Aircraft Corporation (聯洲(通陸)公司). After long negotiations, Pawley on behalf of the same three companies signed a contract in December to construct a factory in Hangchow at a cost of $250,000, which the Nationalist government would repay over the course of five years. It opened in August 1934, and its first project was to rebuild 10 crashed Curtiss Hawks. It next built or assembled Douglas scouts, Northrop light bombers, and probably Curtiss Hawks to a total of 127 warplanes by the end of 1936. (photo source: John Gong)

Hawk II in a bamboo 'hanger', Hangchow (photo source: John Gong)

Art Chin's (陳瑞鈿 1913 Portland - 1997 Portland) Curtiss Hawk II over Shien Chiao, Hangchow. Photo courtesy of Weibin Chang.
Map: Central Aviation School at Shien Chiao, Hangchow 1932 (筧橋中央政府航空學校周邊地圖) Source: Wiki

3.  Fatal Attraction - Udet's Curtiss Hawk

Stuntman & Aviator Ernst Udet, Wiemar Germany  

Ernst Udet using a camera mounted up in his parachute Udet photographed himself from above, 1935

Ernst Udet | German Crown Prince Wilhelm in conversation with the master pilot Ernst Udet, Tempelhof, 1934

Germany Free State Prussia Berlin Berlin The air show 'Kraft durch Freude' (Strength through Joy, KdF) at the airport Tempelhof: Ernst Udet at his glider, characterized by the Olympic symbol 1936 - - Photographer: Walter Gircke. Getty Images (Gettyimages)

Udet's Hawk

Udet's Hawk

Polish collection of Udet's Hawk

Polish collection of Udet's Hawk

Two German aviation enthusiasts, Hanna Reitsch and Ernst Udet, under preparation for the first helicopter show in 1936 Berlin Olympics. 

Airmen from 24 countries meet in Berlin: At an evening event at the Annual General Meeting of the Lilienthal-Gesellschaft für Luftfahrtt in the New Palace, Potsdam, 1938. from left Udet, Milch, Industrialist Prof. Heinkel

He was a funny guy, unlike most Nazis high ranks |  c.1930s ERNST UDET SIGNED SKETCH - Pen and ink cartoon sketch (8½"x11") of a military officer in dress uniform with parachutes above (including one in the shape of a woman). Ernst Udet with 62 confirmed kills was Germany's #2 Ace of WWI after the 'Red Baron', was the artist who drew this cartoon as well as signed it at the lower right. Toned overall, very scarce and attractive.

Messerschmitt vs Heinkel | A cartoon drawn by head of the RLM Procurement Office Ernst Udet, poking fun at which firm would build the Luftwaffe’s new fighter, and the rivalry between Ernst Heinkel and Willi Messerschmitt. Ironically, despite his jovial nature, Udet would later commit suicide in despair at the rivalry and intrigues of which he makes light in this drawing, and the most famous bf109 ace of all - Werner Molders - would be killed whilst en route to attend his funeral, in a Heinkel.


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