Mr. HART, Thomas | Daily Press, Christadelphian & Temperance Hall, 1867-1878, Hongkong
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Mr. Thomas Hart (1835-1878) & his family, Happy Valley, Hong Kong (crumbtracker) |
" It pleased the Almighty to take her from me. It may be for some wise purpose which I cannot see." - Thomas Hart, December 1877, Hong Kong
快活谷墳場,有花園造型墳墓,佔地是一人面積,但睡著的,是Thomas Hart (1835-1878) 一家三口。140年前過身,一介平民,無任何傳記留存。主人家,只不過1870年代,一間小埠報社當記者。墳墓豎起六支鐵杆為界,成小花園造型,今日一個荒廢的花床。石墓碑上有一塊 arm shield,Patricia Lim 研究計劃中,已經拓碑抄錄墓誌銘全文,不過純文字內容,不能彰顯 arm shield 上文字平面佈局,特意用圖表述。
Thos Hart 在70年代,是 Daily Press (孖刺新聞紙館) 記者 (reporter / police report)。當年的報館,得一至兩名記者,好多僱員是compositor。報紙一般內容,是海運資訊、商業買賣廣告、轉載世界新聞。一個小商埠,日常無事,亦無小道,所以跑本地新聞,通常到法院、裁判署、差館去,筆錄案件居多。Hart 來港,其人有份志業,就是為基督兄弟會 (Christadelphian) 傳教,改變社會人心,當記者是為在地上養活。
十九世紀初工業化、環球貿易、知識普及、科學發展,為西方社會帶來極大變化。民間出現強大敬虔運動,好多人在傳統大宗派以外,重讀並推動宗教或社會改革議題,著名如 YMCA 建立、民間反奴役或禁酒運動,而聖詩 Amazing Grace奇異恩典,背後本身就是一場漫長的民間社會政治運動。全球各式形式社會運動,當中有基督兄弟會的出現,強調返回早期基督教生活,將基督敎信仰,演繹成一個組織分散的平信徒運動,並期待未世即將到臨。67年左右, Hart 跟 J. Lilley 抵港傳教,因為跟祖家信徒組織聯絡,書信往來,保存下香港教務記錄,所以今日對 Thos Hart 居港心路歷程,可以有多少掌握,值得直接閲讀原文。
Hart 他們做法,是在西環禮拜聚會,對象相信多為英語水手,以及一般旅港英語基層市民。但他們成效一直不彰,甚至69年 Lilley 離開兄弟會,Hart 形容為 "second death"(note1),往後 Hart 獨力支撐傳敎。Christadelphian 是基督敎一個 sect (異端) ,Hart 因而花好多精力,跟主流教會牧者周旋。由於十九世紀,西方不少世俗機構興起,這反而成為 Hart 活動空間,例如大會堂圖書館放置讀本,已經令他興奮。值得一題,是英美新興 Temperance Movement,一個面向草根階層的新生活運動,來到香港,Hart 借此成為兄弟會立足點。
1873年,香港 Temperance Council 租用 Overbeck's Court (note2),成立 Temperance Hall,一間為水手提供旅舍及消遣的場所。讓上岸白人水手,在嫖賭飲吹之外,提供一個健康生活選擇。Council 聘請 Hart 為旅舍經理。借掛號安排建康福利,基督兄弟會在港有個似樣會址,對 Hart 明顯是個突破點。
可惜74年年尾,Hart 4歲獨子 Ivor 因病過身。一年多後,76年 Temperance Hall 搬遷到士丹利街十四至十六號,他已再無續任經理,之後返回 Daily Press。 箇中原因,似乎在 China Mail,報道4月17日開幕典禮時,字裏行間已找到端倪(note 3)。
"... and the entire arrangements will be under the immediate superintendence of an experienced European, who will again be under the orders of the Committee of Management."
"There may be some who will object to the exclusive character of the institution, while many of its well-wishers would gladly see it conducted on a principle which would permit of the innocent enjoyment of a glass of wholesome beer. No alcoholic liquors are permitted to be used on the premises by the existing rules; and we presume that beer comes under that designation There is doubtless something to be said against the induction of heavy drinks; but it strikes us that movements of reform in this direction are often of too extreme a character. It would be better, in our opinion, to admit the beer, and regulate its consumption whenever any evil effects are likely to arises. If the frequenters once thoroughly understand that excess disqualifies them from participating in the privileged of the Hall, abuses would seldom be seen within the building.
On just one other point would we drop presume, for the use of those occupying the building, and for occasional prayer meetings; and services are also intended to be held occasionally in the reading room. Now, as sea-faring people have a marked dislike to what they term 'Psalm-Singing', or any outward display of religious effort, the mistake may sometimes be made by those most anxious to benefit the seaman, of turning him against such things and repelling him by a suspicion of intrusiveness."
1877年,兩口子染病數月,38歲妻子Mary 折磨一段時間,在愛子離世3週年,Mary 同日病逝 (note 4)。
"My wife never got better. It pleased the Almighty to take her from me, It may be for some wise purpose which I cannot see. I trust and pray Almighty God it may, for His dear Son's sake, our Elder Brother. My wife died of chronic enteritis, on the 21st ultimo, having suffered dreadfully for some months."
Hart 能夠做的,將兩母子合葬,換上新的墓誌銘。或許,站在墳前,仍可想像,當日Hart 為愛妻鋪設花床。
人生就是一連串挫折,一個接着一個。10年來獨力經營,只得寸進,可以話 back to square one。妻兒病故,自己染病,加上失業,生活拮据。78年初,來自 Cardiff 會友 Rees 過路香港,見到 Hart 孑然一身,他在地上再無牽掛。英國會友得知,為他集資,後來所寄出的接濟,郵件都給彈回,寫着此君經已離世。而香港有好心人,為 Hart 辦理身後事,讓他回到妻兒身邊,在原有墓碑,最低層的空位,刻上四行細字 (note 5):
alsoTHOMAS HARTdied May 1878aged 43
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Note nobody pick up mail : the list of unclaimed book, &c, w/o covers issued by HKGPO, incl Christadelphian (HKGA 1878) |
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Henry Charles Gamble, another report for the Daily Press, deceased (HKGA 1873-5-10) |
1: 未信之前生活猶如死,所以離開是 second death。
2: 相信 Gustav F. von Overbeck, Esq 衛城道舊居。這出身顛地洋行的奧匈帝國駐港領事,搬到中環 Pedder's Hill 去。
3: Beer 是 alcohol 但不是 liquors。當代英美基層流行 tavern 、gin shop 流連,'隊'廉價烈酒如 Gin 等。
4: Christadelphian (只)視神子耶穌為他們長兄Elder Brother。
5: 無日子,莫非病死家中亦無人知?
圖、文 by Crumbtracker 2017;
FB: 12th Feb 2017
(Christadelphian Magazine & Publishing Ass: Birmingham, UK)
• HK Library
• The Directory & Chronicle for China ...
• Patricia Lim
Hong Kong Ecclesial Intelligence 1867-1878
Thos Hart 在港記錄:
快活谷墳場 - John Burd Brown (1831?-1856)
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